“鲜”是新鲜,“侠”是侠客——盖侠科技(上海)有限公司旗下 “小鲜侠”品牌专注于探索食物新鲜的奥秘,第一代产品小鲜侠智能油瓶于2016年7月正式上线,获国家实用新型专利,首创“食用油新鲜度”的概念,并实现家庭用油量的监测。
官方微信:微信号 freshgeek
微信客服:微信号 freshgeek007
Family healthy diet starts from changing the way of using cooking oil.
Full record of fat intake. Clear to know the cooking oil used.
App displays directly the use of cooking oil and shows the data about the fat intake of every member and the whole family.
Freshness supervision makes the healthy state of cooking oil clear at a glance.
Take a clear glance at the freshness of cooking oil on the phone via the freshness equation , which supervise the oil freshness.
Excessive reminder of cooking oil,Healthier to stay under the limits.
To ensure you being under the limits, FreshGeek App will remind in time when personal usage is over 35ml.
If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]